Due to the recent concern over the sustainability of biofuels, we would like to address our Biodiesel User Group Members about LC Biofuels position on sustainable biodiesel.
Our premium quality biodiesel is made in the US from a blend of 80% American grown soy bean oil and 20% recycled oils. This blend yields the highest quality biodiesel available with recycled feedstock without sacrificing low cold flow properties. We pledge to never source foreign grown feedstock's such as palm oil and South American soy that is unsustainable and environmentally destructive. We also pledge to use the most sustainable and locally produced biodiesel as it becomes available. The biodiesel industry is still in its infancy, however there are many alternative feedstock's and production companies that will be available to us in the near future.
LC Biofuels, LLC position on Sustainable Biodiesel reflects that of the National Biodiesel Board, of which we have been a Member since 2005.
1. LC Biofuels only sources biodiesel from a blend of 80% U.S. grown Soy and 20% recycled oils.
2. We oppose the use of non-sustainable agriculture practices worldwide in biodiesel production.
3. We support efforts to ensure that biodiesel produced and sold in the U.S. comes from sustainable resources.
4. In the United States , more than 80% of estimated 2007 biodiesel production came from soybean oil. The rest was divided among other feedstock's such as recycled cooking oil, fats, and vegetable oils from other oilseed crops.
5. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports that U.S. acreage for crop production has not increased since 1959. Major land use changes are not expected due to Biofuels.
6. The U.S. is the largest exporter of soybeans in the world, making the importation of soybeans from countries with non-sustainable agricultural practices less likely. Other nations have already been increasing soybean production for decades.
7. According to a USDA/DOE life cycle study, soy-based biodiesel has a 78% carbon dioxide reduction. This takes into account the planting and harvesting of the soybeans, producing the fuel and delivering it to the pump. A 2007 update to the study found that for every unit of fossil energy it takes to make biodiesel, 3.5 units of energy are gained.
8. According to U.S. Census data, the country currently has the equivalent of more than 400 million gallons of soybean oil sitting in inventory. The 2009 RFS goal is the use of 500 million gallons of biomass-based diesel, which includes biodiesel. Soybean oil only represents half of the available domestic raw materials for biodiesel available in the U.S.
Additionally, the NBB has feedstock development programs in place to further increase the efficiency and diversity of the raw materials that are used for biodiesel production. These initiatives have the potential to recycle commercial and agricultural wastes, bring sustainable agriculture to non-productive lands, increase crop yields, and further lower pesticide and fertilizer applications. Arid variety crops, algae, waste greases, and other feedstock's on the horizon have great potential to expand available material for biodiesel in a sustainable manner.
For more information please contact LC Biofuels, LLC at 510-232-0416 or visit www.lcbiofuels.com or www.biodiesel.org
News and information about Biodiesel & alternative fuels.
LC Biofuels response to the FUD
Lance from LC Biofuels (where I've been filling up on b20 in South Lake Tahoe this winter) sent out the following email to LC's customers, in response to the recent FUD about biofuel sustainability: