"The farmers, soybean growers from Midwestern states, are enlisting the help of environmentalists and celebrities, to give them the hip, eco-friendly image they need to reach young adults and baby boomers. The relationship between soybean growers and environmentalists is proving a rocky one, however..."There are some good quotes in there from SaraHope of the Berkeley Biofuel Oasis and Lyle from Piedmont Biofuels.
"One worry backyarders and environmentalists have is that a biodiesel market dominated by soybean growers will promote the use of Monsanto's Roundup Ready soybean seeds, which have been genetically altered to resist the company's herbicide, Roundup."
[via Ryan]
Next, an update from Martin Tobias, who runs the Living on Biodiesel blog:
"There are actual customers at the show. Farmers, entrepreneurs, distributors, retailers, large fuel consumers, and more. Actual customers of biodiesel. Companies that want to expand their investment in the business. This is a good sign. Many trade shows I have been to end up being alot of vendors talking to each other wondering where the real customers are. This is not the case here."