News and information about Biodiesel & alternative fuels.


A Bit More FUD

... from Philadelphia
"One company that disposes of a whole lot of grease is McDonald's, which is looking into recycling cooking oil into biodiesel, according to spokeswoman Julie Pottebaum. 'However,' she said, 'we have no future plans to expand this small test.'"


"Before you rush out and pimp your ride into a veggiemobile, know that critics not only wave it off as an unproven fad, but warn it could hike insurance rates, void car manufacturers' warranties and result in inconsistent performance."

"'We don't hold a lot of faith in filling up at the hamburger stand,' says Allen Schaeffer, executive director of the Diesel Technology Forum, a pro-diesel advocacy group, citing car manufacturer concerns about low-quality vegetable oil's effect on a vehicle's fuel injectors."
[via GMSV]